Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

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Santa Giuliana Falconieri Students celebrated Earth Day to increase awareness around many issues affecting our planet and show their support for environmental protection. Our elementary students had fun with their English teachers exploring this topic through different activities such as songs, readings, writings, documentaries, videos and crafts. EXCELLENT, WELL DONE!!!!! Middle school students wrote lovely poems and expressed their opinions about the ecosystem with letters to important politicians.    AWESOME AND SUPER JOB!!!! A special thanks goes to our middle school Cambridge science teacher, for the wonderful activity done in all the classes.  The elementary students were very enthusiastic about working on the

Le classi III e IV del Liceo hanno preso parte nell'ambito dei PCTO (Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l'Orientamento) al concorso LATINE VIDEO, promosso dall'A.I.C.C. (Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica - Delegazione di Roma), realizzando un video dedicato a una parola della lingua latina per loro particolarmente significativa e ancora viva oggi nelle lingua neolatine. La fantasia, la creatività e le diverse competenze degli studenti hanno prodotto i due elaborati sotto riportati, con i quali le classi concorrono insieme a molte altre scuole di tutta Italia, mostrando la